Black Butler -Boarding School Arc- Cafe in Tokyo and Osaka collaboration to start on July 4, 2024!
The collaboration café between the TV anime “Black Butler – School Edition-” and BOX cafe&space Omotesando Hills Store, as well as kawara CAFE&DINING Shinsaibashi Store, will run from July 4, 2024, to August 25, 2024. Note that the dates may vary by location.
At the “Black Butler” collaboration café, you can enjoy themed menus based on the series and special dishes inspired by the characters. Exclusive merchandise featuring newly illustrated designs of Sebastian, Ciel, P4, and other characters will also be available.
Additionally, as a visit bonus, you’ll receive limited novelties such as “Greeting Cards (8 types)” and “Paper Coasters (7 types).” The café will offer a range of special items and menu items that can only be found at this collaboration event.
(Part of the content)
Event Info
- Official Website: Black Butler Café
- Locations and Dates:
- Tokyo: BOX cafe&space Omotesando Hills Store — July 4, 2024, to August 18, 2024
- Osaka: kawara CAFE&DINING Shinsaibashi Store — July 25, 2024, to August 25, 2024
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