
Aug 02 2024 - Sep 08 2024


11:00 am - 8:00 pm




(3) Kanto Area

Dokodemo Issho x Sarugetchu 25th Anniversary Event in Ikebukuro will be held from August 2, 2024!

The *Doko Demo Issho* x *Saru Getchu* 25th Anniversary event is coming to Namco Namja Town in Ikebukuro from August 2, 2024, to September 8, 2024.

At the event, you can enjoy:
– Mini-games themed around the worlds of both games.
– Photo spots featuring characters from both franchises.

Additionally, on August 25, there will be a special greeting event featuring Toro and Pipotsaru. Be sure to check the official website for details on how to participate.


(Part of the content)




Event Info





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This is the biggest and the most popular travel company in Japan. There are English, Thai, Korean and Chinese.  If you’re using Smartphone, change website to PC version and switch the language to your language.
To stay in Japan, Japanese site is always the cheapest.


【公式】トリップアドバイザー Click/Tap img to reserve!

Tripadviser is also nice too.

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This is the biggest and the most popular travel company in Japan!! You can reserve hotel at reasonable price!! There are English, Thai, Korean and Chinese version for Rakuten!! You can switch it from language. If you're using Smartphone, change website to PC version and switch the language to your language. To stay in Japan, Japanese site is always the cheapest.