
Aug 06 - 08 2024


All Day




(2) Tohoku Area

Golden Kamuy x Sendai Tanabata Festival Collaborative decorations on display from August 6, 2024!

The popular TV anime “Golden Kamuy,” based on the manga by Satoru Noda, will collaborate with the Sendai Tanabata Festival, one of the three major festivals in the Tohoku region!

From August 6 to August 8, 2024, special Tanabata decorations featuring newly illustrated art from “Golden Kamuy” will be displayed at the Sendai Tanabata Festival venue.

Additionally, an original goods pop-up store featuring merchandise with the new illustrations will be held at TSUTAYA Sendai Ekimae Store from August 5 to August 12, 2024. Don’t miss it!


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Event Info

  • Official Website: Golden Kamuy Event Page
  • Event Location: Sendai Tanabata Festival venue, Miyagi Prefecture
  • Pop-Up Store Location: TSUTAYA Sendai Ekimae Store
  • Event Dates: August 6 to August 8, 2024





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This is the biggest and the most popular travel company in Japan!! You can reserve hotel at reasonable price!! There are English, Thai, Korean and Chinese version for Rakuten!! You can switch it from language. If you're using Smartphone, change website to PC version and switch the language to your language. To stay in Japan, Japanese site is always the cheapest.