
5월 03 - 16 2024


9:00 am - 9:00 pm




(3) 간토 지방

May 3, 2024 Hello Kitty 50th Anniversary Store in Tokyo Station First Avenue

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Sanrio’s timeless character, “Hello Kitty,” a pop-up store will be held at Tokyo Station Ichiban Plaza from May 3rd to May 16th, 2024.

The “Hello Kitty” pop-up store will feature a wide range of goods, including items using 50th-anniversary artwork and exclusive pre-sale items. Additionally, customers who purchase related products totaling 3,300 yen (tax included) or more will receive a special novelty: a set of three hologram stickers per transaction!

Moreover, on May 11th, there will be a special greeting event with Hello Kitty, limited to the first 90 participants. For detailed schedules and more information, please visit the official website.


(Part of the content)



<Event Info>





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