Tanabe Matsuri ( Tanabe Festival ) 2024
The “Tanabe Matsuri” is the annual grand festival of Togyu Shrine held on July 24th and 25th in Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture. It is considered the largest festival in the Kinan region and is counted among the three major festivals of Kishu.
During the Tanabe Matsuri, eight floats known as “okasa” from various merchant districts of the former castle town parade through the streets. The okasa resemble the hoko floats seen in Kyoto’s Gion Matsuri.
The Tanabe Matsuri has been preserved and passed down for over 450 years, a festival where the local community comes together to support and continue the tradition. In 2002, the “Tanabe Okasa Kyosankai” (Tanabe Okasa Support Association) was established to ensure the festival’s continuity, with each district holding okasa floats and carrying the traditional “ikasa” (umbrella-like decoration). The Tanabe Chamber of Commerce and other organizations collaborate to prevent the festival from fading away.
Event Summary
Date July 24 and 25, 2024
Location Toukei Shrine
Official Web:Click Here
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