
Mar 15 2025 - Apr 14 2025


11:00 am - 8:00 pm




(3) Kanto Area

Can we learn important things about life from game? Exhibition 2024

“The Brave is Born from UX Design? Learning Important Life Lessons from Games Exhibition” is a planned exhibition to be held from March 15th to April 14th, 2024 at GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi in Chiyoda-ku, Marunouchi.

This exhibition offers visitors the opportunity to experience everyday life events that everyone encounters through eight original video games. Through the lens of UX (User Experience) design, this exhibition reimagines games, making it an enjoyable experience for both gaming enthusiasts and those less familiar with games.




Event overview


March 15, 2024 (Friday) – April 14, 2024 (Sunday)

Opening information

Until 18:00 on the last day

Venue GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi

Admission fee: Free

Official Web:Click Here





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This is the biggest and the most popular travel company in Japan. There are English, Thai, Korean and Chinese.  If you’re using Smartphone, change website to PC version and switch the language to your language.
To stay in Japan, Japanese site is always the cheapest.


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This is the biggest and the most popular travel company in Japan!! You can reserve hotel at reasonable price!! There are English, Thai, Korean and Chinese version for Rakuten!! You can switch it from language. If you're using Smartphone, change website to PC version and switch the language to your language. To stay in Japan, Japanese site is always the cheapest.