Sakura Furusato Square Best time 2024
Flower Highlights:
- Tulips: Late March to April
- Rapeseed blossoms
- Cherry Blossom Trees
- Sunflowers
- Cosmos: Early to late October
Distinctive Features of Sakura Furusato Hiroba:
- Location: Along the shores of Lake Inbanuma
- Symbol: Dutch Windmill
- Sakura Tulip Festival: Held every spring
- Sakura Cosmos Festival: Held every autumn
Feel free to use this information as a guide, and when you plan to visit, make sure to check the schedule based on the season and events to fully enjoy the beautiful nature and flowers at Sakura Furusato Hiroba!
Event Overview
Sakura Furusato Hiroba
- Tulips: Late March to April
- Rapeseed blossoms
- Cherry Blossom Trees
- Sunflowers: July to August
- Cosmos: Early to late October
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