TV anime “New Prince of Tennis (Tenipuri) x GiGO Collaboration Cafe Tokyo, Osaka
A collaboration cafe featuring the popular TV anime “New Prince of Tennis (Tenipuri),” based on the manga by Konomi Takeshi, will be held at GiGO cafes in Ikebukuro/Tokyo, Namba Sennichimae/Osaka, from February 24th to May 19th, 2024.
The “New Prince of Tennis” collaboration cafe will offer special menus inspired by various schools and teams such as Seigaku, Hyotei, Rikkai, Higa, Shitenhoji, Fudomine, Rokkaku, Yamabuki, St. Rudolph, and U-17. Exclusive collaboration goods featuring newly illustrated artwork will also be available.
Moreover, for every order of a food or dessert plate, customers will receive 2 random coasters, and for every order of a drink or parfait, they will receive 1 random coaster as a bonus!
Additionally, a collaboration cafe stand featuring the special menu and goods will be available at nationwide locations.
Enjoy the world of “New Prince of Tennis” at this limited-time collaboration cafe from February 24th to May 19th, 2024.
(Some goods)
◆ Event Details
Official Website:
Locations: GiGO Collab Cafe Ikebukuro / Namba Sennichimae
Duration: February 24th to May 19th, 2024
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