Yagoro don Matsuri 2024
The “Yagoro-don Festival” is an annual event held on November 3rd in Soo City, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Alongside the “Ohara Festival” in Kagoshima City and the “Oshaka Matsuri” in Shibushi City, it is considered one of the three major festivals in the prefecture, boasting a tradition dating back approximately 900 years.
The origin of the festival can be traced back to the Asuka period when a memorial service, known as “Hosonoe,” was held to console the souls of the deceased from the battles between the Hayato clan and the Imperial forces. The festival evolved into its current form, the “Yagoro-don Festival,” following the story of the Hayato clan’s subjugation by the Imperial Court in the year 720 (Yoro 4).
Yagoro-don is a giant male figure standing at a height of 4 meters and 85 centimeters, adorned in a 25-bolt plum-dyed kimono.
Event Summary
Soo City, Kagoshima Prefecture
November 3, 2024
Official Web:Click Here
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