Train & Shinkansen
Trains & Shinkansen
Train is most useful transportation in Japan. You can exlore everywhere by only using trains. Especially in Tokyo, you will never need to use taxi, bus or other transportations to explore! Plus, instead of airplane, shinkansen is also very useful transportation. Shinkansen is little expensive than airplane but very cozy. And you can go almost every place in Japan. For more detail go Here
Bus & Taxi & Airplane
Bus & Taxi & Airplane
Instead of using train, we can use bus and taxi as well. Alought, bus is nmore complicated to use and often delays. And taxi is more expensive. So, I prefer to use Train more than bus and taxi. However, some place does not have train stations so you might need to use bus or taxi insetad of trains. Juts try to use train as much as possible and if you need to use bus good luck! Maybe taxi is better for people who is not really good at English. For more detail go Here
In Japan, people do not speak English AT ALL. You will have trouble comunicating with Japanese people if you do not know any Japanese. Especially in country side, people never speak English. So i really prefer you to learn some basic Japanese. And if you need to call police in Japan, number is 110. For ambulance and fire truck, it is 119. For more detail go Here