
Oct 01 - 02 2024


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(7) Shikoku Area

Katsurahama moon watching party 2024

桂浜観月会 (Katsurahama Kantsuki-kai) is an event held at Katsurahama Park in Kochi Prefecture. This event takes place around the time of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it involves the illumination of traditional Japanese lanterns along the promenade of Katsurahama.

Katsurahama is well-known as a scenic spot for viewing the moon, featuring the Moon Road reflecting on the Pacific Ocean and the contrasting play of light and shadow between the moon and pine trees. The promontory of Katsurahama, known as Ryoma-zu, is adorned with a statue of Sakamoto Ryoma, attracting fans from across the country.

During the Katsurahama Kantsuki-kai, 30 chairs are set up on the second floor of the Honhama Rest Area specifically for moon viewing. Visitors can experience chairing, a style of enjoying the moon without bringing anything with them.






Event Summary

Katsurahama Park, Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture

October 1 and 2, 2024

Official Web:Click Here








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