Kurayami Matsuri 2024
The Kurayami Matsuri, or “Darkness Festival,” is an annual grand festival held at Ookunitama Shrine in Fuchu City, Tokyo, spanning from April 30th to May 6th. The shrine is considered the head shrine of the Musashi Province (the ancient name for the region, and Fuchu being its administrative center). Designated as an intangible folk cultural asset by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, this festival attracts approximately 700,000 visitors during its duration.
Originating from the traditional “Ko-no-Matsuri” (Country Seat Festival) of the Musashi Province, the Ookunitama Shrine’s annual festival boasts a long history and esteemed tradition. Records from the Muromachi period mention the “Gogatsu-e” (May Festival), attracting numerous spectators from Edo (present-day Tokyo) and its surroundings. Over time, the festival evolved from a regional event into a celebration for the local residents.
The festival earned its name “Kurayami Matsuri” due to its original practice of taking place in complete darkness during the late hours of the night when the city lights were turned off. It was introduced as an ancient festival still grandly celebrated in the vicinity of Edo in the “Edo Meisho Zue” (Illustrated Guide to Famous Places in Edo) during the Edo period, featuring an illustration titled “Gogatsu Gokamigami Sairei no Zu” (Illustration of the May Fifth Festival at Six Shrines). Additionally, the Swiss diplomat, Ambroise La Mort, who visited Japan during the Bakumatsu period, left detailed records of the Kurayami Matsuri, including illustrations, in “LA MATSOURI DE ROKSA-MIA: RETOUR TEMPLE APRES LA PURIFICATION DES LIEUX SACRES.”
Known as a magnificent festival, the Kurayami Matsuri features six large taiko drums and eight portable shrines parading through the central part of Fuchu City.
Outline of Event
Fuchu City, Tokyo
April 30 – May 6, 2024
Official Web:Click Here
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