
Oct 21 2024 - Nov 30 2024


All Day




(8) Kyushu & Okinawa Area

Yufuin autumn leaves when 2024

Mount Yufu, towering over the popular hot spring resort of Yufuin in Oita Prefecture, is a symbol of the area and stands at an elevation of 1,584 meters. Known as “Bungo Fuji,” this beautiful mountain is mentioned in the Manyoshu, an ancient collection of Japanese poetry, further solidifying its significance to Yufuin. On clear days, visitors can enjoy panoramic views of Yufuin Basin, Beppu Bay, and the Kuju Mountain Range. During the autumn foliage season, the entire mountainside is vividly adorned with red and yellow colors, attracting hiking enthusiasts from both within and outside the prefecture.

Notable features of Mount Yufu include the presence of Yamazakura (mountain cherry blossoms) and Yamamomiji (mountain maple), adding to the natural beauty of the region.





Event overview

Yufu City, Oita Prefecture


Late October to late November 2024

Official Web:Click Here








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