
May 01 2024 - Aug 31 2024


All Day




(3) Kanto Area

Nasu Heartful Farm Ootani Rape Flower Field Sunflower Field

“At Nasu Kogen, we cultivate vegetables with love and dedication. Nasu Heartful Farm, located in the magnificent Nasu Highlands, produces spinach, tomatoes, green onions, and potatoes using well water sourced from wells and the underground water of the Nasu mountain range. We take pride in using clean and quality water for cultivation. Emphasizing soil cultivation, we aim to provide flavorful vegetables. Our commitment includes low pesticide cultivation to ensure a stable supply of safe and secure vegetables.

The Nasu Highlands boast vast natural landscapes, attracting an increasing number of tourists each year with numerous hot springs and amusement facilities.

To enhance the enjoyment of Nasu for both tourists and residents of Tochigi Prefecture, we have planned the Sunflower Field, Carp Streamers, and Rapeseed Flower Field. These attractions have been well-received by Nasu’s visitors and the people of Tochigi Prefecture. We are delighted to organize these events every year.”




Event Summary

Nasu Heartful Farm Otani Nanohana Field Sunflower Field Aikomi

Nasu City, Tochigi Prefecture

Rape blossoms can be seen in May and sunflowers in summer (August).

Official Web:Click Here



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To stay in Japan, Japanese site is always the cheapest.


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Tripadviser is also nice too.



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This is the biggest and the most popular travel company in Japan!! You can reserve hotel at reasonable price!! There are English, Thai, Korean and Chinese version for Rakuten!! You can switch it from language. If you're using Smartphone, change website to PC version and switch the language to your language. To stay in Japan, Japanese site is always the cheapest.