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Kagoshima with

It is located in Chiran, Kagoshima Prefecture in southern Kyushu. It honors the lives and losses of 1,036 kamikaze or suicide pilots. In the later phases of World War II, these young men, who were in their teens and early twenties, gave their lives in defense of the Japanese emperor.

Map of Kagoshima Chiran Peace Museum

The Tokaido, Sanyo, and Kyushu Shinkansen provide a link between Tokyo and Kagoshima. Along the route, there must be one train change, usually at Shin-Osaka or Hakata Station. It takes around seven hours and costs about 30,000 yen to travel one way. While Jetstar and Peach connect Kagoshima with Narita Airport, JAL, ANA, Skymark, and Solaseed offer frequent flights from Tokyo's Haneda Airport to Kagoshima Airport.

About the Kamikaze

In Chiran, a flying school for young air cadets was founded as early as 1941, and by 1945, when it was clear that Japan was losing the War, the military's two runways were being utilized to undertake suicide attacks against the US navy fighting for Okinawa. There were several kamikaze bases in Taiwan, including Miyakonojo in Miyazaki Prefecture, Bansei in Kagoshima, and Kengun in Kumamoto. At the Chiran location, a statue of Kannon, the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy, was placed in 1955. A temple was then constructed there in 1974 using donations from all across Japan. Both the original museum and the bronze statue of a kamikaze pilot are from this period. As the popularity and the number of visitors rose, the more substantial, present museum was opened in 1987.

About Chiran Peace Museum

Inside the main museum building are original contain many aircrafts. The museum as are exhibits from wars waged by Japan from the Meiji Period onwards.
The Chiran Peace Museum For Kamikaze Pilots is a large museum with thousands of exhibits and can occupy the visitor for an hour or more. Photographs of the pilots are displayed in the chronological order of when they died along with their family records, personal effects, inscribed with messages of encouragement from family and friends, uniforms, farewell letters and weapons. English explanations are at a minimum and photography is strictly forbidden.


You can enjoy others Kagoshima interesting attraction here!

Open time

Chiran Peace Museum for Kamikaze 9:00-18:00