Anime Events

Saga with

One of Asia's largest sky sports events to be held in Saga City, Saga Prefecture, in November. Balloonists from all over Japan and around the world will compete in the sky! This event usuall y start from early morning, so let's prepare it before come to here!


Come to this balloon festival, Using a car is the best choice for you. So near by entrance, many people recommend to use their parking spot, but there are parking spot in festival place too. So don't worry about it. But many people attend this festival, so using outside parking spot also can be nice choice for you. The first photo is the entrance of festival. To see these entrance you have to walk for 10-20 mins, and if you want to eat something or enjoy mini game, you can experience it at the way to go entrance. This is look like japanese matsuri in summer. So if you attend this event(November), you can join Natsu matsuri(Summer festival) in Japan too! There are is free bus to Market that is selling many Specialties of Saga. Let's look around it together.

Get ready for flying in the sky

When you arrive on time, the balloonist must ready to ride their own balloon. Many truck are come to the main park, and their balloon get bigger and bigger by gas. You can experience it in front of them.

Flying balloon

Many balloon will start to flying together. There are announcement about information about balloon. Most of people shake their hands for them, you can do it too! They will answer you by shake their hands back.

Special balloon

Their are special balloon for introduce some product or the other prefecture. Most of them are very cute! You can take a time with these balloon together.
This is a balloon with mascots of a particular area, local specialties on it's a balloon.

Open time

Every November
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