Shinjuku Gyo-en

Suga Shrine

Omoide Yokocho

Tokyo Metropolitan

製作/「君の名は。」製作委員会(東宝 コミックス・ウェーブ・フィルム KADOKAWA ジェイアール東日本企画 アミューズ voque ting ローソンHMVエンタテイメント)制作/コミックス・ウェーブ・フィルム 配給/東宝 ©2016「君の名は。」製作委員会の画像を引用

Shinjuku TOP 5

1 Kabukicho TowerMassive Amusement deaprt!
2 Animate ShinjukuShinjuku biggest anime event!
3 Melonbooks ShinjukuVery nice bars and restaurants.
4 Surugaya ShinjukuBest second hand anime shops in Japan!
5 Medicos shop ShinjukuMany anime goods!

Anime Events

City of People

Surprisingly, Shinjuku has several places where otaku can enjoy! However, it's always crowded for some reason, so if you dislike crowds, it might not be highly recommended (;'∀') But it's a fun place, so if you're okay with crowds, please give it a try! Especially if you enjoy escape games! There are also places like Animate, so anime fans, please check it out!

You can check out other events on the Event Calendar here!

↑(Click img above for hotel reservations)
This is the biggest and the most popular travel company in Japan!! You can reserve hotel at reasonable price!! There are English, Thai, Korean and Chinese version for Rakuten!! You can switch it from language. If you're using Smartphone, change website to PC version and switch the language to your language. To stay in Japan, Japanese site is always the cheapest.

Kabukicho Tower

In Kabukicho Tower, there are places like the Bandai Namco Store and SAO Escape Game, offering plenty of enjoyable content for otaku!


When you come to Shinjuku, Anime is also recommended! However, be cautious as it gets very crowded, especially on weekends. On Sundays, you might even have to wait for about an hour at the checkout. They mainly sell the latest goods from the newest anime!

Melon Books Shinjuku

Melon Books is also in Shinjuku! It's quite a hidden gem, so you might find doujinshi here that you wouldn't find in other stores!

Surugaya Shinjuku

Suruga-ya is recommended when purchasing Second hand anime goods! It's also available in Shinjuku, so anime fans, be sure to check it out!

Medicos Shop Shinjuku

Medicos Shop Shinjuku is also recommended for anime fans when visiting Shinjuku! Although it's a slightly smaller store, they consistently offer a wide variety of anime goods! They also host pop-up events, and you can check the ongoing events here!

Mouse Shop

Mouse Shop is a shop related to voice actors, offering a wide range of anime products! Be cautious as it's only open on weekends! Also, please note that it's a bit of a walk from Shinjuku Station.

EJ Anime Theater Shinjuku

EJ Anime Theater Shinjuku is a cinema exclusively screening anime related movies! It's recommended for those who enjoy casually watching anime movies or those interested in niche anime films! They also have a cafe!

Escape Games

Shinjuku has numerous escape games! If you enjoy escape games or if there's a collaboration with your favorite anime, it's worth checking out! You can find information about the current collaborations in real escape games here.
In Shinjuku, there are several escape game venues:

- Choumisshitsu Real Escape Game
- NoEscape Shinjuku Real Escape Game
- Real Escape Game Higashi Shinjuku (formerly Ajito of Scrap)
- Tokyo Mystery Circus
- Yodaka no Record Dramatic Room
- Fanya Minami Shinjuku Store Real Experience Escape Game
- XEOXY Zeokushi

Suga Shrine (Your Name)

Suga Shrine is one of the most famous shrine because of the movie Your Name! It is located in Shinjuku so if you love this movie you must go ! Detail!

City Hunter

Wow! The Anime place of City Hunter is Shinjuku! It may not be as extensive, but please give it a try!

The Garden of Words

The stage of "言の葉 (The Garden of Words)" is Shinjuku Gyoen! Definitely worth a visit!
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↑(Click img above for hotel reservations)
This is the biggest and the most popular travel company in Japan!! You can reserve hotel at reasonable price!! There are English, Thai, Korean and Chinese version for Rakuten!! You can switch it from language. If you're using Smartphone, change website to PC version and switch the language to your language.
To stay in Japan, Japanese site is always the cheapest.